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David Boxer

How Teachers Are Learning: Professional Development Remixed - 1 views

    In the midst of a growing storm of new technology-induced learning concepts such as flipped learning, blended learning, personalized learning (to mention but a few) , teachers are left with no other alternatives but to enhance and accommodate their professional development efforts to suit the changing educational paradigms. Edsurge called this "personalized professional development". This is the kind of life-long learning that involves the integration and leverage of digital media and technology (and offsite resources) for expanding one's field of expertise. Image source: EdSurge The web now abounds with all kinds of resources, tools, materials, and know-how to help teachers grow professionally. EdSurge has this wonderful guide featuring a set of different tools that teachers can draw on to expand their professional development. These tools are selected in such a way that they address different areas : They support how teachers engage with colleagues They help teachers learn or find support for implementing fresh strategies and approaches They measure how that learning impacts practice in the classroom. To better evaluate how these tools help teachers grow professionally, EdSurge created a "framework of a continuous cycle of learning." This framework is composed of 4 stages: engage, learn, support, and measure. Under each of these stages is featured a collection of web tools to help teachers get more out of that stage.
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

26 Instructional Activities on the IPAD from A to Z by courtney pepe on Prezi - 0 views

    Prezi from a high school professional development session.
Renee Hawkins

Report: Professional Development for Mobile Learning Improves Student Engagement and In... - 0 views

    Released at #iste13- new study examines the correlation between teacher PD and higher engagement via mobile learning and stem areas in particular.
Jennifer Gaspar-Santos

iPad Professional Development- " a link to other valuable ed tech links" - 0 views

    This is a Resources page I put together for our faculty during our iPad PD days. It has links to resource articles on iPads in the classroom, links to how to navigate through a sea of apps and links to what apps we use in Grades 6-8.
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